Home > Artworks > Victoriano Fernandez

Photo of Victoriano Fernandez Spain

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Victorian Fdez La Coruna 1971


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19.69 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
Net Art/Digital Art
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Victorian Fdez La Coruna 1971


Workshop Pablo Picasso with Eduardo Arroyo. Museum of contemporary art and Union Fenosa. La Coruña.

Workshop Pablo Picasso with Agustin Ibarrola. Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa Union. La Coruña.

First Conference on contemporary art spaces. Santiago de Compostela

Workshop with Manolo Quejido Pablo Picasso. Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa Union. La Coruña.

II Symposium of Painting and Poetry. 09. Culleredo

II First Conference of Painting and Poetry. 2010. Culleredo


Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes.

Palacio de Congresos and the Opera. La Coruña.

Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa Union. La Coruña.

Horse Society of La Coruña

Mining Chamber of Galicia

Private collections in Ireland and the U.S.


Arial, sans-serif "> Painting Contest Palacio de Congresos de La Coruña. Ist Prize. III Salon d'Automne. Galician Royal Academy of Fine Arts. 2 nd Prize. Prize quick painting Old Town La Coruña. Accésit. Prize quick painting Endesa As Pontes 2 nd Prize. Accésit Cambre Contest. II Fast painting Prize Mining Chamber of Galicia. Accésit. 2 nd Prize Horse Society of Corunna


Arial, sans-serif "> 2010 Gallery Trisquel and Medulio. Tui. Gallery Monty4arte. La Coruña. Gallery 981 style. La Coruña. 27 Fair City Council of Cambre. Festival artistic parallel 43 º 21 '45''La Coruña. 2009 2 º Fair Galega Art FERIARTE La Coruña. Festimage. Chaves. Portugal. 2008 Mullan Gallery, Art Fair Belfstast.Irlanda.1 ª Gallega. Melide da Terra Museum. 2006 23 Painting Competition Concello Cambre. Three generations of painters Coruña. Jasper Chamber . The Coruña.2005 Gallery Ana Vilaseco. La Coruña. I paint Prize Old City. Archives l Kingdom of Galicia. La Coruña. Mixed. Museum of Contemporary Art Fenosa Union. 2004. Gallery Ana Vilaseco. La Coruña. Trebellar Gallery . La Coruña. 2003 Hostal de los Reyes Católicos, Costa da morte horizon of life. Santiago de Compostela. Alfonso kiosk. A cor do Tues La Coruña. Casa de Galicia. Lisbon. Portugal. Workshop Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Macuf. La Coruña. Trebellar Gallery. La Coruña. Gallery Alameda. Vigo. Workshop Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Ortigueira Town Hall. Workshop Pablo Ruiz Picasso. Valdeorras boat. Gallery La Campana. Santiago deCompostela.2002 II International Art Biennial sea. Oviedo. Supermarket American Art Prints. Vitoria.2001 European Capital of Culture. O porto. Portugal. Supermarket American Art Prints. Madrid. Board Prince of Asturias. La Coruña. Atlantic Financial Club Room. La Coruña. Supermarket American Art Prints. Madrid. 2000 III Salon d'Automne. Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes. The Coruña.1999 Fair Drawing and Printmaking. La Coruña. Room Macondo. La Coruña. Supermarket American Art Prints. La Coruna Supermarket Zaragoza.1998 Vigo and American Art Prints. La Coruña. Fair drawing and printmaking. La Coruña. "FINISTERRAE?. Current proposals Gallego Art. Lion. II Salon d'Automne. Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes. The Xoti Coruña.1997 BellasArtes. The Coruña.1996 I Salon d'Automne. Real Academia Gallega de Bellas Artes. La Coruña Xoti Fine Arts. La Coruña. Drawing and Print Fair. La Coruña. 1999Liceo de Betanzos. The Xoti Coruña.1995 Fine Arts. The Coruña.

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